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The following are some of the charities KOC 5535 has joined in service to the community.

Support for Vocations
Our knights work to serve the community, the church, and the clergy. Please pray for our seminarians. Click below to read their bios.

Being a knight means you'll never walk alone. Our insurance offers protection for the future of your loved ones.

Prayer is the foundation of what we do. We will honor your requests.
Local Seminarians We Support
Kenneth Laybourn

I was accepted into seminary April 9 of 2019. I am entering into my first year of Pre-Theology at Saint John Vianney Seminary in Miami, in the fall of 2019. I can remember the priesthood being on my heart since I was very young, and even through many of life’s challenges and blessings a desire to pursue this vocation has never left. The time has come for me to answer the call on my heart and enter into the next chapter of God’s divine plan for my life. Please pray for me and thank you for the opportunity to study for the great Diocese of St Augustine.
Charles Bemis

I graduated from St John Vianney College Seminar in May 2020 and entered into major seminary at St Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in August 2020, currently studying I Theology. My home parish is St Luke in Middleburg, Fl.
Daniel Maher