Current Council Officers
Grand Knight--Michael Strong. Deputy Grand Knight--John Seiss, Chaplain--Father William Kelly, Chancellor--Chip Manger,
Warden- Ken Wright, Recorder--John Riendeau Treasurer--Tom Redding, Advocate--Larry Wagner, Inside Guard-- Carmen Mazzeo, Outside Guard—Matt Wrobel , Financial Secretary-- Mark Parkulo, Trustee 1st yr--Richard Fitzpatrick, Trustee 2nd yr--Ed Parker,
Trustee 3rd yr-- Armand Riendeau, Lector--Deacon Chip Magner
Don't forget, the Business Meeting first Monday of every month at 7pm at the Columbian Hall. Plan to attend, meetings generally only last less than one hour. Officers' meeting third Monday of every month, everyone is welcome.
First Friday of every month there is Rosary at 6:30pm, Mass at 7pm, and dinner following Mass at the Columbian Hall. Bring a side dish or dessert to share!

Welcome to the Knights of Columbus Council 5535. We are located at 1401 2nd Avenue N in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. We are largely associated with St. Paul's Catholic Church, but have many members of other parishes as well. We seek fellow Catholic men to participate in service to our parish and our community at large. Please explore this site to find information about our events and membership opportunities. We look forward to serving with you!
Meeting attendance can pay!
If you show up, you have a chance to win the progressive drawing.

8th Annual KoC Pumpkin Patch- October 12-31
8th annual Council 5535 pumpkin patch will be held starting October 12 thru October 31. The patch will be open from noon to 7pm weekdays and from 10am to 7pm on weekends. Setup will occur on Thursday, October 10, from 10am to 2pm. All help is appreciated. The pumpkins will be delivered on Saturday, October 12 at 9am. We will need as many volunteers as possible to unload the truck. Generally the truck will be unloaded between 3 to 4 hours. Please bring gloves and a wheelbarrow if possible. Drinks and food will be provided. Additional information will be sent out in an email shortly.

Save The Date! 3rd Annual KOC Council 5535 Golf Tournament
Tuesday October 29, 2024
More information by email soon.

Pancake Breakfast and Blood Drive
Please join us for a pancake breakfast and Blood Drive on October 13 at St. Paul's Family Life Center. Free breakfast will be served following 8:00am and 10:30am Masses. We hope to see you there!
If you would like to volunteer please respond to the request for volunteers by email.

Mayport, Florida

Click on the Holy Cross to see pictures of the parishes
First Friday Celebration
Rosary, Mass and Social is Every First Friday of the Month!!!
Doors open at 6 and Rosary starts at 630PM, Mass at 7PM then Food,

Did you know Father Murphy Council 5535 supports three seminarians from our diocese, including one from our St Paul Parish. Well, we do! We send them quarterly checks, proceeds from our Bingo operations, to assist them with what needs they may have during the year. Just another reason for you as a Knight to help and volunteer at Bingo! Click on the Services tab at the top for more info.

Bingo is Open, Quarter games (25¢) and Silent Games only. The Hall opens at 3 pm, on Sunday & Wednesday. Games begin at 4 pm. Quarters are done by 5:30pm and the Silents are over by 7:15pm.